Roanoke-Salem Homeschool Blog

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28 Coding Training and Resources for Kids and Teens in Homeschool
The top online platforms for teens to learn game coding and programming, offering a range of resources from beginner to advanced levels to ignite their passion for creating their own video games.
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Steps to Homeschooling Success in Virginia
Essential steps and resources for successfully homeschooling in Virginia, including understanding applicable laws, submitting a notice of intent, coordinating instruction, documenting progress, fostering community connections, and joining key associations.
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Homeschooling Without Losing Public School Connections
Homeschooling can seamlessly integrate with maintaining friendships from public school through shared interests, flexible scheduling, digital connectivity, community involvement, embracing diversity, supportive parent networks, and open communication.
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Homeschooling Is Easier Than Some Parents May Think
Discover the truth about homeschooling as we debunk common misconceptions, showcasing its adaptability in customizing curriculum, creating ideal learning environments, and empowering parents to take control of their child's education journey.
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Embracing Imperfection: Lessons from Homeschool Families on Flexibility and Adaptability
Explore how homeschooling fosters flexibility, resilience, and adaptability, offering invaluable lessons applicable to navigating life's uncertainties with grace and resilience.
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What is the Charlotte Mason homeschool philosophy?
The Charlotte Mason homeschool philosophy prioritizes a holistic education through living books, short lessons, narration, nature study, art and music appreciation, and character development, fostering a love of learning and nurturing the whole person.
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2023 Tee Design Finalists
Order your favorite shirt to submit your vote for this year's tee design contest.
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A Comprehensive Guide for Homeschool Success: New Year's Resolutions for Parents and Students
This guide provides homeschooling parents with resolutions focused on flexibility, well-being, a love for learning, community, and realistic goals, while students are urged to take ownership, explore diverse subjects, embrace a growth mindset, stay connected, and reflect for a successful year ahead.
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Beyond Grades: Innovative Mastery Assessment Methods for Homeschooling Parents
Discover creative ways for homeschool parents to assess mastery beyond traditional grading, including portfolio assessment, self-assessment, project-based learning, discussions, experiential learning, educational games, journals, diverse media forms, and collaborative projects.
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Rethinking Education: Let Boys Play and Thrive
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson highlights issues in the traditional education system, such as the use of amphetamines for bored boys and the development of hyperactivity. He advocates for play-based learning and suggests homeschooling as a solution, allowing for personalized, engaging, and interactive education that addresses these challenges more effectively.
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