Homeschool cooperative serving Roanoke, Salem, Blacksburg, New Castle, Rocky Mount, Bedford, Daleville, Troutville, Bonsack, and the greater Roanoke valley area

Roanoke Salem Homeschool Statement of Faith

Because Roanoke-Salem Homeschool Academy is a group of Christian homeschool families, it is important that all members are aware that our approach will be from a Biblical, Christian world view. Here is a brief summary of our beliefs


We affirm that God created mankind in His image. He created mankind as male and female. We hold that man was made by God from the dust of the earth and that the woman Eve was made by God from the rib of the man Adam. We hold that man and woman are distinctly different however equally valuable in the sight of God. A man cannot become a woman and a woman cannot become a man.


Both man and woman inherit their sinful position from Adam's rebellion in the garden and have actively confirmed that rebellion by casting sins of their own in treason against God. Because of Adam's sin, all of mankind is at enmity with God and is desperately lost, apart from God.

Marriage and Sexuality

As the historical account of Genesis reveals, God made man and woman perfect in creation to serve Him, glorify Him, and worship Him in perfect, loving communion. Man was made for God and Woman was made as a God-provided help to Man for the glory of God. Marriage was made to be enjoyed between one man and one woman for all of living existence. Marriage ends at death as the saved spouse will enter into eternal communion with God through Christ. While scripture records many perversions of marriage, their description is not to be counted as prescriptive.

The Bible (Scripture)

We hold the Bible to be the inspired, infallable, inerrant word of God and constitutes His complete and final revelation to man compiled in written form.


God has eternally existed in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We affirm the trinity.

Jesus is the Christ

We hold that Jesus Christ has come in human flesh being both fully God and fully man. Christ was born of the virgin birth from Mary. He was born without sin and lived completely without sin.

The Crucifixion

We hold that Jesus Christ died on the cross as a substitution for the sins of His people. In this death, God emptied His judgement and fully satisfied His wrath by not sparing His son from the payment due us.

The Resurrection

We hold that Jesus rose bodily from the dead. The resurrection demonstrates that Christ is indeed God, that His life was perfect, and His substitutional sacrifice was accepted by God.

The Ascension

We affirm and confess that Jesus ascended bodily to heaven in the clouds before the apostles and disciples after his resurrection. He exists bodily as Jesus, the eternal Son of God as our mediator.

Salvation by Faith Alone

We hold that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone. The gift of true faith will result in repentance and sanctifying life actions. Salvation was earned by the completed obedient works of Christ alone that are credited to His redeemed people.

We hold that salvation is offered as a free gift which must be received by the regenerated response of faith in Christ's sacrificial death, and not trusting in personal works and achievements to appease God's righteous judgement against the believer.

Christ's Return

We trust that Jesus will return to earth in the future to reform all of creation. He will return as a conquering King and Judge where he will demonstrate His ultimate defeat of Hell, Death, Satan, and all His enemies. All will face Christ in Judgement.


Those in Christ will be received as those who fully and faithfully obeyed as they will have the record of Christ's completed good works credited to them. Those in Christ will experience eternity as those who have fully pleased God.


Those not in Christ will face Christ as the savior they rejected and eternal judge. He will cast out those who have not repented, believed, and confessed Him as Lord and they will be cast into eternal Hell where they will face the unending judgement and wrath of God.

(540) 541-8226

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Sola Scriptura

Sola Gratia

Sola Fide

Solus Christus

Soli Deo Gloria

Meeting at West Salem Baptist


500 Turner Rd
Salem, VA 24153

Church Phone:

(540) 389-2129