Roanoke-Salem Homeschool Blog


28 Coding Training and Resources for Kids and Teens in Homeschool

28 Coding Training and Resources for Kids and Teens in Homeschool

There are several fun online platforms for teaching kids how to code. Here are some popular ones:

  1. Roanoke Salem Homeschool's Web Design & Coding Class
    We offer a coding and design class that will introduce students to the process of planning, designing, and coding front end screens for future work in web based design solutions.
  2. Scratch:
    Scratch is a block-based visual programming language and online community targeted primarily at children. Users can create interactive stories, games, and animations. It's a great way to introduce programming concepts without the complexity of syntax.
  3. Code.org:
    Code.org offers a variety of coding courses for different age groups. Their Hour of Code activities are particularly popular for introducing kids to coding through engaging one-hour tutorials.
  4. Tynker:
    Tynker provides a creative computing platform for kids to learn to code. It offers a variety of courses that teach programming skills through interactive games and puzzles.
  5. Kodable:
    Kodable is designed for younger kids (ages 4-10) and introduces them to programming concepts through fun and interactive games.
  6. Blockly:
    Blockly is a web-based, graphical programming language similar to Scratch. It's used to create simple programs by stacking blocks together, and it can be a great stepping stone to more advanced programming languages.
  7. Lightbot:
    Lightbot is a puzzle game that teaches programming logic through solving levels. It's available on web and mobile platforms and is suitable for kids aged 6 and up.
  8. CodeCombat:
    CodeCombat is a game-based platform that teaches kids to code while playing a game. It's more text-based and suitable for older kids who are ready to move on from block-based coding.

These platforms offer a mix of free and paid content, so you can choose based on your budget and the child's interests.

In addition to the platforms mentioned earlier, here are some more options that focus specifically on game coding and programming for kids:

  1. CodeMonkey:
    CodeMonkey offers a fun and educational game-based environment where kids can learn to code in real programming languages like CoffeeScript and Python. They can create their own games and animations.
  2. Gamestar Mechanic:
    This platform uses game-based learning to teach kids game design and critical thinking skills. It's a great way to introduce them to the concepts of game development and programming.
  3. ScratchJr:
    For younger kids (ages 5-7), ScratchJr is a simplified version of Scratch that allows them to create their own interactive stories and games by connecting blocks of code.
  4. Roblox Studio:
    Roblox Studio is a platform where kids can create their own games and experiences in a 3D environment. It uses the Lua programming language and offers a fun way for kids to learn coding while creating games that can be shared with the Roblox community.
  5. Minecraft Education Edition:
    Minecraft Education Edition offers a game-based learning platform where kids can learn coding through the popular game Minecraft. They can use the Code Builder feature to learn block-based coding and create their own Minecraft adventures.
  6. Hopscotch:
    Hopscotch is a mobile app that allows kids to create their own games and animations using a simple, block-based programming language. It's a great way for kids to learn the basics of coding and game design on the go.

These platforms provide a fun and engaging way for kids to learn programming while creating their own games. They cater to different age groups and skill levels, so you can choose the one that best fits your child's interests and abilities.

For TEENS interested in game coding and programming, there are several online platforms that offer more advanced courses and tools. Here are some popular options:

  1. Unity Learn:
    Unity is a powerful game engine used by professionals and indie developers alike. Unity Learn provides a variety of tutorials and courses for beginners to advanced users, covering topics like game development, VR, and AR.
  2. Unreal Engine Online Learning:
    Unreal Engine is another professional-grade game engine. Their online learning platform offers courses on game development, interactive 3D, and more, catering to different skill levels.
  3. Godot Engine Documentation and Tutorials:
    Godot is a free and open-source game engine that's great for beginners and experienced developers. Their official documentation includes tutorials for getting started with game development.
  4. Codecademy:
    Codecademy offers a course on creating video games using Phaser.js, a popular framework for making 2D games in JavaScript. This is a great way for TEENS to learn game development while also improving their JavaScript skills.
  5. Coursera:
    Coursera offers various courses on game development from universities and colleges. Topics range from introductory courses to more specialized subjects like VR and game design.
  6. Khan Academy:
    Khan Academy offers free courses on computer programming, including an introductory course on JavaScript that teaches how to make simple games and animations.
  7. Harvard's CS50's Introduction to Game Development:
    This free course by Harvard University covers the development of 2D and 3D interactive games, exploring the design of games such as Super Mario Bros., Pokémon, Angry Birds, and more.

These platforms offer a range of resources from beginner to more advanced levels, allowing TEENS to explore game coding and programming at their own pace while working on fun and engaging projects.

For TEENS interested in web development, there are several online platforms that offer engaging and interactive courses to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies. Here are some popular options:

  1. Codecademy:
    Codecademy offers interactive courses on web development, covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frameworks like React. Their courses are structured and easy to follow, making them great for beginners.
  2. freeCodeCamp:
    freeCodeCamp provides a comprehensive curriculum that covers front-end and back-end development. TEENS can work through self-paced challenges and build projects to earn certifications.
  3. Khan Academy:
    Khan Academy offers free courses on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with interactive challenges and projects. It's a great resource for beginners to get started with web development.
  4. The Odin Project:
    The Odin Project offers a free, open-source curriculum for learning full-stack web development. It includes a mix of readings, videos, and projects to build a solid foundation in web development.
  5. Udemy:
    Udemy has a wide range of web development courses for all levels. TEENS can learn everything from basic HTML and CSS to advanced frameworks like Angular and Vue.js. Look for highly-rated courses with good reviews.
  6. CodeHS:
    CodeHS offers a web design course that teaches HTML, CSS, and basic web design principles. It's designed for high school students and includes interactive exercises and projects.
  7. MDN Web Docs:
    While not a course, the MDN Web Docs provide comprehensive documentation and tutorials on web technologies. It's a great resource for learning and reference as TEENS progress in their web development skills.

These platforms offer a mix of structured courses, interactive challenges, and project-based learning, allowing TEENS to explore web development in a fun and engaging way.

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