Expectations of Students

No running or loud talking in the building. Walk & speak at a reasonable volume.

Be mindful of others, parents, teachers, students, and classes in session.

Stay in rooms assigned only to the academy’s use. Please clean up after yourself. We endeavor to leave the facilities cleaner than we found them. Picking up snack wrappers and paper shortens our clean-up time at the end of the day.

Enjoy your time together with other home-educated students and your instructors.

Remember that Roanoke Salem Homeschool Academy is a place for learning. Although it is fine for students to fellowship between classes, it is not appropriate for non-academy students to come and hang out without approval from the academy director. All visitors must sign in.

If you are in a dating relationship with a fellow classmate or another student, it should not be obvious to your classmates or teachers. Romantic and public displays of affection among students is discouraged while on premises of West Salem Baptist Church. Students should refrain from being outside of the view of the adults. For the safety of everyone, adult supervision is mandatory for students and activities on premises at West Salem Baptist Church.

Avoid cursing, using God’s or Jesus’ name in vain, cutting comments or “jokes.” We expect families to monitor their own speech. When in doubt, leave it out.

Students who drive themselves to the academy must follow parental directives for arrival and departure. If a student will regularly arrive late or leave early, please provide us with a brief write up to help us set our expectations. While encouraged to stay on campus, they have flexibility under your oversight. Taking another student off-site requires parent permission and notifying the welcome table’s leadership team.

Dress Code

Our dress code aims to honor the Lord, create a respectful environment, and minimize distractions during studies. Students must dress appropriately for learning. While we understand homeschool habits, outside of our pajama themed spirit day, wearing pajamas is not suitable for academy days.

Modest attire is expected, covering thighs, bellies, and shoulders. In warmer months, modest length shorts and skirts are acceptable. Offensive slogans or curse words on clothing are not allowed. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and use common sense. Parents should help students make wardrobe decisions.

High school students should dress as if attending a job, job interview, or college class. Casual attire is permitted so long as it covers the body modestly and is respectful of others’ eyes and minds.

Parents play a vital role in monitoring their student’s clothing choices. If an outfit violates the dress code, we will initially address it discreetly with the parent. However, if a student arrives without a parent, a same-sex parent representative will suggest a change of clothing or request someone to bring a change.

Obligation to the Facility

West Salem Baptist Church cares about people. The church body, elders, and staff have opened their hearts and doors to the homeschool community since 2021.They have not charged for rent, power, water, internet, utilities, or use of the paper products by parents and students. They have even gladly cleaned up after events, programs, and school days. The only charge is paid directly to the custodial staff to cover our time in the building.

Because access to the facility is provided to the homeschool families at no charge, other than the cleaning fee, the leadership team will partner with the student body and parents to ensure damage or maintenance needs incurred by the academy are reported and, when needed, funded by those who caused the damage. Please be mindful of the building and grateful to the church body for it.

(540) 541-8226

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Meeting at West Salem Baptist


500 Turner Rd
Salem, VA 24153

Church Phone:

(540) 389-2129